Join our next CTV Board Meeting on Sunday, March 30th at 11:00 AM PST!
Use the link below to join the CTV Board on Microsoft Teams. You may attend by choosing the option for Guest.
CTV of Lane County, Oregon
Creativity, Enlightenment, Education, and Community ServicePublic Access: It’s what we’re for and what we’re about!
We are Community Television of Lane County, OR. Entirely led and run by volunteers. We broadcast shows produced in our community on Comcast Channels 29 and 1088.
Please be patient with us as we work on updating our website. Some links may not work. Please email us at if you need assistance.
Connect With CTV Online
Find some productions our members have created on YouTube or join us on Facebook in our group for members.
Join the CTV Community
Show your locally-produced videos to your community – on CTV.
We love our CTV members and they are the reason we do everything around here! Members get inside access to equipment, studio time, and classes, and we broadcast their productions on local TV!
To All
4J Backgrounds Checks are mandatory for anyone volunteering and accessing school property. Get your background check done here.
To All
Masks are required at Sheldon High School (at the CTV studio). Download Volunteer Assumption Risk Waiver Liability.
Our Members
Producing Content

Join them by producing your own show to air on local tv!

See what they've been working on
CTV Studio
located behind Sheldon High School
2455 Willakenzie Road
Eugene, OR 97401
Door #15 (between KRVM Radio and the Tennis Courts)
Our Members Are Doing Amazing Things!
Check out some of the great things they have produced on our YouTube channel! Pop on over to YouTube and subscribe to get the latest updates on the studio and productions as well as some great memories from the past!
Trouble in Track Town
One of the productions our members have made, viewable on our YouTube channel.
Tunnel Vision (2015)
One of the productions our members have made, viewable on our YouTube channel.
Arts Journal #933
One of the productions our members have made, viewable on our YouTube channel.
Get in Touch
Have questions that aren’t answered on this website? Send us an email using this form or directly to
Mail is monitored by volunteers, so please allow a few days to hear a response. We try to respond as quickly as we can and look forward to answering your questions!
Our Board
The CTV Board are volunteers in 1- or 2-year terms doing the behind the scenes work to make everything run smoothly. We rely on volunteers to keep us going. Follow the link below for more information on the board and for information on how you can run for a spot during the yearly elections.