CRCTV Board Election

Make Your Voice Heard!


CTV is made possible by the amazing volunteers in all aspects of our public access TV station. Board members are volunteers serving 1- or 2-year terms. They attend Board meetings, held twice monthly online, and work together to make decisions that impact everyone at CTV including funds allocation, new equipment ordering, online presence, and changes to rules governing CTV members and operations.


Current BoardAttend A Board Meeting

CTV Board Election

The election is coming! Mark your calendars for February 26, 2023 at 1pm at the CTV Studio. Candidate statements will soon follow.

CRCTV Board Election








Be A Board Member

Run for a seat on the Board! CTV of Lane County is completely volunteer-run including our Board. Board members make decisions year-round to keep our pubic-access tv station running and available to members of the community. 

Who Can Run?

Any member of CTV in good standing is eligible to run for a seat on the Board. Members must live in Lane County, OR and have paid their yearly membership dues ($1 per month for the first year, $12 per year for each year after). 

If you want to get involved at CTV, we encourage you to run for the Board!

What Do Board Members Do?

The Board meets every two weeks online and Board members are expected to attend most meetings. Some Board members volunteer to complete other tasks that come up during meetings, but they are not required to do so. 

Board members volunteer to help make business decisions and work with the other members for the betterment of CTV. 

How To Get On The Ballot?

There is no application process to get on the yearly ballot since anyone can run. Fill out the form below to express interest in the Board and we will put your name on the ballot.

Although not required, it is recommended that you attend a Board meeting to participate and see firsthand what happens.

Board Candidate Submission

Candidate submissions are closed for the 2024 Board Election. If you are interested in volunteering and becoming more involved, please email for ways to volunteer!


Candidate Statements for the 2024 Board Election

Kevin L. Corridon

Brief Bio: I’ve lived in Eugene for fifteen years now. I have experience in video production and public radio prior to arriving here. It’s been nice to have a resource such as Community Television of Lane County. I’ve used the studio a few times for projects of my own.

History at CTV: I’ve been a part of Eugene Cannabis TV since March of 2008. First as a camera operator, and evenutally becoming Assistant Producer/Technical Director. I have also assisted with technical work and repairs around the studio.


I am currently serving a one–year term on the BOD, and am also the Vice President.

Vision for CTV: I want to help CTV–29 keep going to provide an outlet for local producers to tell their stories.


What I Want to Accomplish: I’ll do what I can to help make the place welcoming for new members. It’s a wonderful thing we have available here, and I want to share it with residents of Lane County.

David DeRienzo

Brief Bio: I have worked in adult education for 15 years, starting as a tutor in math, science, and social studies for a TABE program at college. I received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Film & Cinematography from The University of Central Florida, and I combine this experience as the head of a learning & development organization with my storytelling capability to engage and empower his community along with my experience with film and television production. I am passionate about education, the arts, and the environment, as well as how technology can be leveraged to protect and improve those ideals. I am an avid filmmaker and photographer, and I never miss an opportunity to explore the landscapes afforded to me in Oregon and beyond.

History at CTV: In my short time as a CTV board member, I have already taken steps to improve productivity and connectivity by introducing the Microsoft Teams platform, and have exposed other board members to technology that can help us do more for the community and faster. As a member of the CTV Community, I have contributed to many local films and projects in and out of the studio as a cinematographer, a sound mixer, and various other roles. 

Vision for CTV: I want CTV to not only grow its footprint, but become a cornerstone of the Willamette Valley content creation industry as a factory for art and artists from all perspectives and walks of life. I want it to be the ideal platform for burgeoning and experienced artists to get together, share ideas, and make art that touches the lives of everyone within our reach. 

What I Want to Accomplish: I want to build a set of measurable goals for CTV that will drive us towards expanding our influence and achieving more engagement with people in our community. I think CTV would benefit from operating using the best practices of a strategically motivated business, but with the heart and conscience of a philanthropical organization focused on people rather than revenue generation. I believe we can achieve this by setting out a plan for what we want to achieve in the coming years, and meeting regularly to discuss our progress towards those achievements, what actions we’re taking to fulfill them, and how efficacious those actions are—this will ensure that every member of this community can play a role in its success. 

Fawn Dietz

Brief Bio: I am passionate about disability rights, cooking gluten free, and community. I have experience with mostly behind-the-scenes jobs, not in front of the camera. I have done stage management and assistant directing in theater productions, editing, writing, and publishing in newspapers, and I run two websites from the ground up with all the writing, editing, advertising, SEO, and other aspects that go into it. I feel more comfortable in the production and support space than as a on-camera talent. 

History at CTV: I joined CTV in 2021 when I discovered this amazing resource. My plan was to make videos for my websites on gluten free and disability education. I have a series on gluten free restaurants that runs on CTV. I joined the board in August 2022 when there was a vacancy and have worked to help update contracts, bring in new systems, and revitalize the website.  

Vision for CTV: I see CTV as an amazing opportunity to build. We have an amazing framework that can offer so much to the community. Many of the ideas I have to include all sectors of the community, as our bylaws stipulate, will also bring in opportunities for additional funding. I see CTV in the future as a great space for promoting community and bringing people together while producing amazing products. We need to work hard to preserve this avenue of free speech.  

What I Want to Accomplish: I see many opportunities in working with schools, local nonprofits, the disability community, and more to bring awareness to what we do and find those in the community who are in need of what we provide. I don’t see YouTube as a deterrent or competitor to CTV as others have in the past, but as an amazing opportunity to draw new people out and get them involved while providing a service they are excited about.  

How Do Elections Work?

A letter and email will be sent out to the membership 6 weeks prior to the election to set the election date and solicit volunteers who wish to run for a seat on the Board. 

Read the Bylaws

Want more information on how CRCTV does elections? Read the bylaws as voted in and accepted by the CTV Board of Directors. This document has all the rules we as an organization must follow when holding elections.

A letter and email will be sent to the membership 2 weeks prior to the date of the election with information on the candidates. This letter will contain an optional mail-in ballot for those who cannot attend the meeting. 

On the date of the election, those voting in person will meet at the designated time and space given in the previous mailings. The ballots will have all the candidates and members will be allowed to pick as many as they like, up to the total number of seats available.

Everyone will fill out their ballot and place it in a box.

Candidates and interested parties will count the votes. Candidates who cannot attend in person will be given the option to attend via an online video platform such as Zoom.

An email will be sent to the membership to announce the new Board and the new Board will set a date to meet and vote for officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer).

Have Questions About Board Elections?